U 50ml mlakog mleka rastopiti 30g svežeg kvasca i kašičicu šećera. Ostaviti par minuta da kvasac počne da pluta po površini. Penasto umutiti 160g masti, ali ako nemate pri ruci svinjsku mast, slobodno upotrebite margarin ili puter. U umućenu mast dodati 3 žumanca, 2 velike kašike šećera, 1 kesicu vanilinog šećera i još malo mutiti mikserom ili varjačom, energično.
Zatim dodati rastopljen kvasac, 280g belog brašna, sve rukom umesiti (ako je potrebno posuti sa još malo brašana) - dobije se masno testo koje ne liči na obično kiselo testo. Testo pokriti vlažnom krpom i ostaviti oko 45 minuta na toplom mestu, da naraste. Ovakvo testo ne treba da udvostruči zapreminu kao klasično kiselo testo.
Dok testo odmara, napraviti fil. Staviti da provri pola šolje vode sa pola šolje šećera. Upotrebiti šolju zapremine oko 250ml. Kada provri, dodati 200g mlevenih oraha i još minut mešati na ringli. Na kraju dodati rum po ukusu, ostaviti da se dobro ohladi. Fil je takve strukture da može da se razmaže kašikom po površini testa (nije ni tečan, niti mnogo gust).
Kada je testo naraslo, premesiti ga rukom, izručiti na papir za pečenje (posut brašnom) i oklagijom rastanjiti u pravougaoni oblik, debljine oko 0.5cm. Površinu testa posuti brašnom, da se ne bi lepilo za oklagiju. Zatim nafilovati, srolati, pa seći na kolutove debljine prsta. Pužiće ređati u okruglu tepsiju obloženu papirom za pečenje. Početi od sredine, da se dobije oblik cveta tj. "saća" i obavezno između pužića napraviti razmak od oko 1cm jer će u toku pečenja malo da narastu. Od ove mase bude oko 20-22 komada. Složen kolač ostaviti da odstoji u tepsiji dvadesetak minuta. Neposredno pred pečenje viljuškom umutiti jedno belance i odozgo, četkicom premazati kolač, posuti kristal šećerom. Peći u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 200°C, da lepo porumeni.
Kolačiće poslužiti tople ili hladne, uz mleko, čaj, kafu... Odlični su i sutradan, za doručak ili užinu.
Sastojci: 50ml mleka, 30g svežeg kvasca (malo manje od kocke), 1 kašičica+2 kašike šećera, 160g masti (margarin ili puter), 3 žumanca, 1 kesica vanilinog šećera, 280g belog brašna; za fil - 1/2 šolje vode, 1/2 šolje šećera, 200g mlevenih oraha, rum po ukusu; za premazivanje - 1 belance i malo šećera za posipanje.
Put 30g of fresh yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in 50ml of warm milk, and wait few minutes until the yeast starts floating on the surface. Whisk 160g of lard until pale and fluffy. If you don't have lard, use butter or unflavored margarine. Add 3 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar and whisk with few minutes with a mixer or wooden spoon.
Add the yeast and 280g of all purpose flour to the wet ingredients mixture and knead with hand - (if needed sprinkle with some flour) - the dough is greasy and does not look like ordinary sour dough. Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and leave it in a warm place for about 45 minutes. A dough like this should not double its volume like a classic sour dough.
While the dough is proofing, make a filling. Bring to a boil a half a cup of water with half a cup of sugar and add 200g of ground walnuts, whisk for another minute and remove from heat. Finally, add some rum to taste, allow to cool well. The filling structure - should be easily spread over the surface of the dough (but neither runny nor so thick).
When the dough has proofed, knead it few times with hand to deflate it, transfer it on a sheet of baking paper (sprinkled with flour), and roll the dough into a rectangular shape, about 0.5 cm thick. Sprinkle the surface of the dough with some flour to prevent it from sticking to the rolling pin. Then spread the walnut filing, roll a log, and cut rolls (thickness of a finger). Arrange the rolls into a round baking tray lined with baking paper. Start from the middle, to get the shape of a flower - "wasp nest", make about 1 cm space between the pieces, as they will slightly rise during the baking. You will get 20-22 pieces. Allow the pastry to rest in the pan for about twenty minutes. Before baking - give it a wash, on the top, with one egg white, sprinkle with white crystal sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 200° C until golden brown.
Serve pastry hot or cold, with milk, tea, coffee... They are great the next day for breakfast.
Ingredients: 50ml milk, 30g fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon + 2 tablespoons sugar, 160g fat (margarine or butter), 3 egg yolks, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 280g all purpose flour; for filling - 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup sugar, 200g ground nuts, rum to taste; for wash - 1 egg white and some white crystal sugar.
"Wasp nest" pastry
Another forgotten sweet treat from grandma's kitchen. "Wasp nest" - quite an old fashioned name.Put 30g of fresh yeast and a teaspoon of sugar in 50ml of warm milk, and wait few minutes until the yeast starts floating on the surface. Whisk 160g of lard until pale and fluffy. If you don't have lard, use butter or unflavored margarine. Add 3 egg yolks, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 sachet of vanilla sugar and whisk with few minutes with a mixer or wooden spoon.
Add the yeast and 280g of all purpose flour to the wet ingredients mixture and knead with hand - (if needed sprinkle with some flour) - the dough is greasy and does not look like ordinary sour dough. Cover the bowl with a damp tea towel and leave it in a warm place for about 45 minutes. A dough like this should not double its volume like a classic sour dough.
While the dough is proofing, make a filling. Bring to a boil a half a cup of water with half a cup of sugar and add 200g of ground walnuts, whisk for another minute and remove from heat. Finally, add some rum to taste, allow to cool well. The filling structure - should be easily spread over the surface of the dough (but neither runny nor so thick).
When the dough has proofed, knead it few times with hand to deflate it, transfer it on a sheet of baking paper (sprinkled with flour), and roll the dough into a rectangular shape, about 0.5 cm thick. Sprinkle the surface of the dough with some flour to prevent it from sticking to the rolling pin. Then spread the walnut filing, roll a log, and cut rolls (thickness of a finger). Arrange the rolls into a round baking tray lined with baking paper. Start from the middle, to get the shape of a flower - "wasp nest", make about 1 cm space between the pieces, as they will slightly rise during the baking. You will get 20-22 pieces. Allow the pastry to rest in the pan for about twenty minutes. Before baking - give it a wash, on the top, with one egg white, sprinkle with white crystal sugar. Bake in a preheated oven at 200° C until golden brown.
Serve pastry hot or cold, with milk, tea, coffee... They are great the next day for breakfast.
Ingredients: 50ml milk, 30g fresh yeast, 1 teaspoon + 2 tablespoons sugar, 160g fat (margarine or butter), 3 egg yolks, 1 sachet vanilla sugar, 280g all purpose flour; for filling - 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup sugar, 200g ground nuts, rum to taste; for wash - 1 egg white and some white crystal sugar.