Thursday 13 August 2020

Knedle sa šljivama (gomboce) - Plum dumplings with potato dough (Gomboc)

Knedle sa šljivama - letnji ručak ili desert!

Obariti u slanoj vodi 8 krompira srednje veličine u ljusci (beli krompir). Kada je krompir kuvan, ocediti ga, oljuštiti, ispasirati ga gnječilicom za pire i ostaviti da se prohladi.

Dodati punu kašiku masti, malo soli, 2-3 jaja, brašna po potrebi da se zamesi testo (ne sme da bude mnogo tvrdo a opet mora da ima takvu strukturu da može da se oblikuje). Šljive oprati, ocediti i osušiti, očistiti od koštica pa u sredinu staviti kocku šećera (a i nije neophodno da se izvade koštice). Ako su šljive suviše zrele, kada im izvadite košticu pustiće dosta soka dok se kuvaju koji može da iscuri ako je testo oko šljive suviše tanko ili ako nije lepo zatvoreno. Otkinuti komad testa, malo rastanjiti u ruci, staviti šljivu na sredinu, zatvoriti sa svih strana i formirati knedlu. Količinu testa prilagoditi veličini voća i svom ukusu - neko voli deblji sloj testa oko voćke, a neko malo tanje. Formirane knedle poređati na površinu posutu brašnom. Knedle spuštati u kipuću vodu (koristiti veći lonac i sipati dosta vode, posoliti), kada isplivaju na površinu kuvati ih još 4-5 minuta i gotove su. Skuvane knedle vaditi rešetkastom kašikom i spuštati na propržene prezle, dobro ih uvaljati sa svih strana. Zatim ih izvaditi u činiju, posuti preostalim proprženim prezlama. Čim se malo prohlade, posuti ih šećerom i poslužiti. Ako nešto ostane, odlične su i hladne.

Prezle za valjanje knedli - Dok se knedle kuvaju, na drugoj ringli u šerpi (ili u dubljem tiganju) propržiti prezle ili griz. Ulje treba da pokrije dno šerpe, dodati 6-8 kašika prezli ili griza. Kada se promeša, masa treba da bude suva i sipkava a ne da pliva u ulju. Ako je potrebno, propržiti novu količinu da bi bilo za sve knedle. Pržiti na umerenoj temperaturi da porumeni, pa zatim smanjiti na najnižu temperaturu - propržene prezle treba da su tople, ali da ne izgore. 

Za knedle od krompirovog testa treba odvojiti malo vremena. Mogu se praviti i sa kajsijama (birati manje kajsije ili praviti sa polovinom voćke). Može se napraviti veća količina, zamrznuti jedan deo nekuvanih knedli, kuvati kada zatreba. Takođe, mogu se praviti od smrznutog voća.  

Sastojci: 8 belih krompira srednje veličine, 1 prepuna kašika masti, 1 kašičica soli, 2-3 jaja, 6-8 kašika prezli ili griza, ulje, oko 20 komada šljiva (zavisi od veličine).

Plum dumplings with potato dough (Gomboc)

Plum dumplings - humble and gorgeous summer lunch or a dessert!

Boil 8 medium-sized potatoes in salted water (white potatoes, do not remove skin). When done, drain, remove skin, mash it with a hand potato masher and leave to cool.

Add a full tablespoon of lard, a little salt, 2-3 eggs, flour as needed to knead the dough (be careful with this dough, it must not be too hard but it should hold a texture in order to be well shaped). Wash the plums, drain and dry, remove pits, and put a sugar cube in the middle (it is not necessary to remove the stones). If the plums are too ripe and the stone is removed, they will release a juice while cooking, which can leak out if the dough around the plum is too thin. Take a piece of dough, press it with palms, put the plum in the middle, close it on all sides and form a dumpling. Adjust the amount of dough to the size of the fruit and up to your preference - if you like a thicker or thinner layer of dough around the fruit. Leave the dumplings on a floured surface. Take a large cooking pot, add water to 2/3, 2 teaspoons of salt and bring to a boil. Put the dumplings into the boiling water (do not overcrowd the pot with dumplings), when they float on the surface, cook them for another 4-5 minutes and they are done. Remove the cooked dumplings with a slotted spoon, place them on the fried breadcrumbs, roll them on all sides to be nicely covered. Then take them out into a serving bowl, sprinkle with the remaining fried breadcrumbs. As soon as they cool a bit, sprinkle with sugar and serve. Plum dumplings are great both warm and cold. 

Breadcrumbs coating - While the dumplings are cooking, prepare the breadcrumbs coating. Take a deep frying pan, add sunflower oil to cover the bottom, add 7-8 tablespoons of breadcrumbs or semolina, stir with wooden spoon or spatula (the coating should be dry, be careful not to be runny - if necessary add some more breadcrumbs). Fry at a medium temperature until golden, then reduce to the lowest temperature - so that the fried breadcrumbs stay warm, but should not burn. If you run out of the breadcrumbs coating, the amount is not enough for rolling all dumplings, make another batch. 

Making plum dumplings with potato dough takes some time, but the reward is gorgeous. These dumplings can be made with apricots (choose smaller fruit or make a dumpling with apricot split in half). You can also make a large quantity and freeze one part of uncooked dumplings. However, maybe it is better to freeze the fruit and make dumplings when needed.

Ingredients: 8 medium-sized white potatoes, 1 tablespoon lard, 1 teaspoon salt, 2-3 eggs, 6-8 tablespoons breadcrumbs or semolina, sunflower oil, about 20 plums (depending on size).