Ovo je starinski način pripreme kandirane kore od pomorandže.
Skupiti koru od nekoliko pomorandži (najbolje neprskane, organske), odabrati lepe i zdrave delove. Koru treba oprati pod mlazom vode i nožem potpuno ukloniti onaj beli deo. Ovako pripremljenu koru skuvati u 9 voda da lepo omekša. Nije ovo ništa komplikovano, a i ne traje predugo. Dakle, koru naliti vodom da ogrezne, staviti da provri i vri 2-3 minuta, onda ovu vodu odliti, naliti novom... Postupak se tako ponovi 9 puta. Kada je gotovo, koru osušiti na ubrusu i iseckati na sitne kockice.
Količina sirupa koju treba ušpinovat zavisi od količine kora. Početi sa 250g šećera koji se nalije sa malo vode (oko 50ml, ili 1 mala šoljica za crnu kafu vode), pustiti da vri na tihoj vatri - treba da počne da "šapuće", da se po površini pojave beli mehurići koji pucaju, što će reći "da bude gusto ušpinovano kao za slatko". Kada je dobro ušpinovano, spustiti seckanu koru od pomorandže i promešati. Kockice pomorandžine kore treba da su obložene šećernim sirupom sa svih strana. Neće smetati i ako ima malo više sirupa. Ako ste pak pripremili veću količinu kora nego što može da stane u ušpinovan sirup, onda dodajte samo onoliko koliko može da primi sirup, a onda skuvajte još jednu turu sirupa za preostalu količinu kora. Kandiranu koru od pomorandže staviti u čistu, sterilisanu teglu koju ste držali u rerni na 100⁰C oko 45minuta, dobro zatvoriti neoštećenim poklopcem.
Kandirana kora pomorandže može da se koristi za razne kolače (na primer komisbrot ili razni drugi), kao dodatak sladoledu, za ukrašavanje, ili šta god da smislite. Kada imate vremena, napravite veću količinu, pa koristite po potrebi. Pošto nema konzervansa, kandiranu koru treba čuvati u frižideru - može da se stoji i do nekoliko meseci.
Ukoliko niste u mogućnosti da nabavite neprskane pomorandže, onda koru pomorandže potopiti u vodu sa rastvorenom sodom bikarbonom, da odstoji oko 1h, posle isprati pod mlazom vode, osušiti ubrusom i nastaviti pripremu.
Na isti način može da se napravi kandirana kora od drugih citrusa - limun, limeta, grejpfrut, mandarina...
Sastojci: kora od nekoliko pomorandži, šećer, voda.
Candied orange peel
This is an old-fashioned way of making candied orange peel at home.
Collect the peel of a few oranges (organic if possible), choose undamaged parts, wash them under running water, pat dry with paper towel and using the sharp knife carefully remove the white layer of the peel. Cook the prepared peel in "9 waters" to soften nicely. This is nothing complicated, and it doesn't take too long. So, put some water just to cover the orange peel, bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes, drain the water, pour a new one... Repeat the procedure 9 times. When done, transfer the orenge peel on a paper towel, dry it, cut into small cubes.
The amount of sugar depends of the amount of orange peel. Start with putting 250g of sugar into the saucepan, add about 50ml water (1 small espresso cup) and let it boil over a low heat - until white bubbles are formed, becomes thick. When the syrup is well cooked, add chopped orange peel and stir a minute or two. You should assess the amount of orange peel cubes that is added to the thick syrup - to be nicely coated with thick syrup. If you have orange peel in excess, make another batch of sugar syrup. Put the candied orange peel into a clean, sterilized jar (in the oven at 100⁰C for about 45 minutes), close well with an undamaged lid.
Candied orange peel can be used for a variety of cakes (bundt cake, pound cake...), as an addition to ice cream, for decoration, or whatever else... When you have some time, make a larger amount, then use as needed. Since there are no preservatives, store the candied orange peel in the fridge up to several months.
If you are not able to get organic oranges, then soak the orange peel for 1h in cold water with some baking soda, then rinse under running water, dry with a towel and continue with cooking procedure.
The same way you can make candied peel from other citrus fruit - lemon, lime, grapefruit, tangerine...
Ingredients: peel of a few oranges, sugar, water.