Staviti 1 litar mleka da provri na umerenoj temperaturi. Umutiti 5 belanaca sa prstohvatom soli u čvrst šne, pa tek onda dodati 5-8 kašika šećera i još malo mutiti, da bude baš čvrst šne i da se ne osećaju kristali šećera. U mleko koje vri kašikom spuštati knedle od umućenih belanaca, ostaviti ih da se kuvaju par minuta (prevrnuti i drugu stranu), vaditi ih rešetkastom kašikom u đevđir da se cede. Kada se knedle ocede, izručiti ih u činiju za posluženje (veliku ili pojedinačne porcije).
Penasto mikserom umutiti 5 žumanaca sa 7 kašika šećera, dodati 2-3 ravne kašike brašna (ili gustina) i jednu kesicu vanil šećera, pa uz mešanje sipati u mleko u kom su se kuvale knedle. Krem kuvati na nižoj temperaturi, uz neprekidno mešanje žicom i skloniti sa vatre kada dobije željenu gustinu.
Krem treba da je ređi (ređi od npr. pudinga). Ukoliko se neprekidno meša, krem će imati finu glatku strukturu, bez grudvica, ali može i da se procedi kroz cediljku, za svaki slučaj. Jedan deo mleka može da se zameni mlečnom slatkom pavlakom ili se pri kraju kuvanja može dodati komad putera, što će svakako uticati na to da struktura i ukus poprime finu notu.
Vrućim kremom mestimično preliti knedle od belanaca - ne treba da su potpuno prelivene kremom. Šne nokle mogu se poslužiti i mlake, a mogu i ohlađene, u činijicama. Po želji, pred služenje posuti kakao i staviti piškotu, ili na drugi način ukrasiti (posuti ljuspice badema, latice jestivog cveća, neki komadić voća veselih boja).
Ovo je klasičan recept ze šne nokle, ali postoji i brža - trik varijanta. Umesto da se knedle od belanaca kuvaju, umućen šne izručiti u veću vatrostalnu posudu ili u više manjih vatrostalnih činija (za jednu porciju). Zapeći u zagrejanoj rerni na 170°C, ali ne suviše dugo (da mestimično porumene vrhovi i knedle se termički obrade). Ako je u pitanju veća posuda, iseći zapečene šne nokle na krupne kocke (ne vaditi ih iz posude u kojoj su se pekle) i zaliti kremom od žumanaca. Od kad sam prvi put probala ovu varijantu, samo ih na ovaj način pravim, nema razlike i za čas su gotove.
Sastojci: 5 jaja, 12-15 kašika šećera, 2-3 kašike brašna ili gustina, 1 kesica vanil šećera, 1 l mleka.
Put 1 l of milk into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil on a medium heat. Meanwhile make meringue - in a mixing bowl whisk 5 egg whites with a pinch of salt, on a high speed, until stiff peaks are formed. Then add 5-8 tablespoons of sugar and whisk to get firm, nice, cloudy meringue (until no longer feel sugar crystals when taste it). Using a spoon, form a meringue dumpling and drop it into simmering milk - do not overcrowd the pot. Allow them to cook for a few minutes (turn them on both sides). When cooked, transfer the dumplings using a slotted spoon into the colander. When drained, transfer them into a serving bowl (large, wide or single serving cup).
To make custard, whisk 5 egg yolks with 7 tablespoons of sugar, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour (or corn starch) and one sachet of vanilla sugar, then pour into the boiling milk (the same one where the dumplings were poached). Cook the custard on a low heat, constantly stirring with a whisk, until gets some fine thickness but still runny. If whisked constantly, the custard would have a fine smooth texture, with no lumps, but you can strain it just in case. Some of the milk can be replaced with whipping cream or a piece of butter can be added at the end of cooking, which will certainly add a fine note to the taste.
Pour the custard over the meringue dumplings. Serve warm or cold floating islands. If you wish, just before serving, sprinkle some cocoa powder, decorate with lady fingers, some almond flakes, petals of edible flowers, some piece of colorful fruit...
Floating island dessert
Forgotten dessert...Put 1 l of milk into a medium saucepan and bring to a boil on a medium heat. Meanwhile make meringue - in a mixing bowl whisk 5 egg whites with a pinch of salt, on a high speed, until stiff peaks are formed. Then add 5-8 tablespoons of sugar and whisk to get firm, nice, cloudy meringue (until no longer feel sugar crystals when taste it). Using a spoon, form a meringue dumpling and drop it into simmering milk - do not overcrowd the pot. Allow them to cook for a few minutes (turn them on both sides). When cooked, transfer the dumplings using a slotted spoon into the colander. When drained, transfer them into a serving bowl (large, wide or single serving cup).
To make custard, whisk 5 egg yolks with 7 tablespoons of sugar, add 2-3 tablespoons of flour (or corn starch) and one sachet of vanilla sugar, then pour into the boiling milk (the same one where the dumplings were poached). Cook the custard on a low heat, constantly stirring with a whisk, until gets some fine thickness but still runny. If whisked constantly, the custard would have a fine smooth texture, with no lumps, but you can strain it just in case. Some of the milk can be replaced with whipping cream or a piece of butter can be added at the end of cooking, which will certainly add a fine note to the taste.
Pour the custard over the meringue dumplings. Serve warm or cold floating islands. If you wish, just before serving, sprinkle some cocoa powder, decorate with lady fingers, some almond flakes, petals of edible flowers, some piece of colorful fruit...
This is a classic, but there is a faster one - a trick version. Instead of poaching meringue dumplings, put the meringue into a large wide glass baking dish or several smaller for individual serving. Bake in a preheated oven at 170°C, but not too long (to form some brown peaks). When done, cut the large meringue squares if you used large baking dish (do not remove them from the baking dish). Pour custard over (carefully, don't cover all the surface of meringue - it should float on the surface of custard). Since I first tried this version, I stick to it. There is no difference and it is time saving.
Ingredients: 5 eggs, 12-15 tablespoons sugar, 2-3 tablespoons flour or cornstarch, 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar, 1 l milk.