Thursday 11 June 2015

Sorbe (od limuna i bosiljka) - Sorbet (lemon and basil)

Ledeni sorbe od limuna i bosiljka je pravo letnje osveženje. Sorbe sam morala da napravim zato što... Šetajući gradom pre par godina, svratili smo na sladoled na fino mesto, sa isto tako "finim" cenama. Jedno od dece je odabralo sladoled od limuna i bosiljka. Probam i shvatim da sam skupo platila malo smrznutog, aromatizovanog šećernog sirupa. Čim smo stigli kući, latim se posla, naberem bosiljak sa terase, nacedim limun i od par sastojaka za čas napravim odličan sorbe. Pošto se svima dopalo, narednih dana smo isprobavali razne voćne kombinacije. Nađite svoju omiljenu!

Za meru odabrati šolju od oko 200ml, pa povećavati količine u zavisnosti od potreba. Napraviti sirup - da provri 2 šolje vode sa 2 šolje šećera. Kada sirup provri isključiti ringlu, ubaciti šaku svežih listova bosiljka poklopiti i ostaviti da odstoji 10-15 minuta. Procediti aromatizovani sirup, ostaviti da se ohladi na sobnu temperaturu. Dodati sveže isceđen sok 2-3 limuna. Sirup izliti u plastični sud (malo veće zapremine, da bi moglo da se meša bez prosipanja) i staviti u zamrzivač. Posle oko 1h, kada polako počnu da se formiraju kristali leda, sorbe energično izmešati viljuškom što će razbiti veće kristale i učiniti da masa postane vazdušasta. Vratiti u zamrzivač. Postupak ponoviti na svakih pola sata, u toku naredna 2-3 sata, ili kad se setite. Što se češće muti viljuškom, kristali će biti sitniji, struktura delikatnija i vazdušasta. Kugle sorbea ukrasiti svežim listićima bosiljka i rendanom korom limuna, nekom crvenom voćkom...

Za sorbe od bobičastog voća (jagode, maline, kupine...), potrebno je voće izblendirati pa procediti kroz cediljku za čaj da se uklone semenke. U prohlađen sirup dodati jednu šolju voćnog pirea i dalje slediti opisan postupak zamrzavanja i mešanja.

Izuzetna kombinacija je limun+nana+matičnjak! Pustite mašti na volju, igrajte se ukusima - limun, pomorandža, grejpfrut, limeta, nana, bosiljak, matičnjak, zeleni čaj, kafa, vino, likeri, cimet, jagode, maline, kupine, višnje, kruške... Možda čak i krastavac?!

Savršen sorbe, jednostavan, bez skupih sastojaka i specijalne opreme!

Sastojci: 2 šolje šećera, 2 šolje vode, voće i sveže začinsko bilje po izboru.

Sorbet (lemon and basil)

There is nothing more refreshing in the summer months than ice cold lemon and basil sorbet! Walking through the city a few years ago, we stopped for ice cream at a nice place, with also "nice" prices. One of the children ordered lemon nad basil ice cream. I have tasted this "ice cream" and I realized that I overpaid it. As soon as we arrived home, I picked up some fresh basil from my terasse, squeezed some lemon juice and with just few ingredients made very good sorbet. Since everyone liked it, the next day we tried various fruit combinations. Find your favorite!

For the measure choose a cup of about 200ml and adjust the amounts to fit your needs. Make a syrup - boil 2 cups of water with 2 cups of sugar. When the syrup boils turn off the heat, throw a handful of fresh basil leaves and let it stay covered for 10-15 minutes. Strain flavored syrup, allow to cool to room temperature. Add freshly squeezed 2-3 lemon juice. Pour the syrup in a plastic box (slightly larger volume, it should be mixed without splash) and put in the freezer. After about 1 hour, when some ice crystals are formed, mix your sorbet vigorously with a fork, breaking up larger crystals and incorporating some air. Return to freezer. Repeat every half hour during the next 2-3 hours. The more often you mix it, the crystals would be smaller, contributing to more delicate and airy structure. Garnish your sorbet with some fresh basil leaves and lemon zest, some red fruit...

For the berries sorbet (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries ...), make a fruit puree with a hand blender and strain it through a tea strainer to remove seeds. Add one cup of fruit puree in a cooled syrup and continue to follow the instructions for freezing and mixing with fork.

Another great combination is lemon+mint+lemon balm! Play with flavors - lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, mint, basil, lemon balm, green tea, coffee, wine, liqueurs, cinnamon, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, pears... cucumber?!

This is so simple and perfect sorbet, without expensive ingredients and special equipment!

Ingredients: 2 cups sugar, 2 cups water, fruit and fresh herbs of your choice.