Raspitajte se na pijaci kod prodavaca od poverenja i sigurno će Vam pomoći da nabavite domaću patku. Da bi pečeno meso bilo mekano i fino, ptica treba da bude mlada, oko 2kg teška kada je očišćena.
Ako Vam smetaju manja perca koja su ostala posle čerupanja, pincetu u ruke i čupkajte. Deluje vrlo umirujuće, kao meditacija. Patku oprati i osušiti papirnim ubrusom, usoliti je spolja i iznutra, ubaciti u unutrašnji deo celu neoljuštenu jabuku ili pomorandžu, batake skupiti i vezati ih kanapom. Ako baš želite, kožica na grudima može da se na par mesta zaseče oštrim nožem (u obliku rešetke), ali tako da se ne zaseče meso - izgledaće lepše ako pečenje služite u komadu. Druga mogućnost je da se kožica na grudima lagano odvoji od mesa, da se napravi kao džep u koji se stave začini po želji (biber, majčina dušica, kora limuna, malo đumbira...) - u ovom slučaju biće malo aromatičnije.
Za pečenje odabrati dublju emajliranu posudu sa poklopcem, odgovarajuće veličine, tako da patka zauzme bar 2/3 zapremine. Iseckati 2 glavice crnog luka, 2 veće šargarepe iseći na deblje kolutove. U posudu za pečenje sipati malo ulja ili 1-2 kašike masti, kratko propržiti luk i šargarepu. Kada je luk smekšao i postao staklast, odozgo staviti patku i sa svih strana pržiti po nekoliko minuta da malo porumeni. Dodati oko 200ml belog vina ili rozea, 200ml bujona (ili kocku supe rastvorenu u 200ml vode), sačekati da provri. Šerpu skloniti sa ringle, patku postaviti tako da grudi budu gore. Veći komad papira za pečenje dobro zgužvati, premazati papir puterom i njime pokriti i lepo ušuškati patku. Ovako će meso ostati sočno, a kožica fina krckava. Poklopiti šerpu. Peći u prethodno zagrejanoj rerni na 150°C. Nakon sat vremena izvaditi šerpu iz rerne, otklopiti, preliti patku sokovima od pečenja, vratiti papir, poklopac i nastaviti pečenje. Po isteku i drugog sata, preliti patku sokovima i proveriti da li je pečena. Mesance treba da je sočno i mekano, da se lako odvaja od kostiju, kožica da je rumena, krckava. Postoji još jedna tehnika koja se može primeniti kada pečete pile, patku ili ćurku. Bocne se najdeblji deo bataka ili karabatak. Ako je tečnost koja iscuri "rozikasta", onda je srednje pečeno. Ako je sok bistar i žute boje, onda je dobro pečeno. Ni u kom slučaju ne sme da bude prepečeno!
Kada je patka pečena, razmutiti po jednu kašičicu soja sosa, meda, ulja premazati patku sa gornje strane i otklopljenu šerpu vratiti u rernu na par minuta da se kožica lepo glazira. Isključiti rernu, otvoriti je, ostaviti patku u toploj rerni da se ne bi hladila.
Pire od celera
Pire od celera je savršen prilog uz pačetinu. Oko 400g celera oljuštiti, iseckati na kocke veličine 2cm, naliti mlekom (da ogrezne) i kuvati. Kada je celer potpuno smekšao, treba ga procediti ali sačuvati malo mleka u kom se kuvao. Ispasirati ili kratko izblendirati celer, posoliti, staviti komad putera i po potrebi malo mleka u kome se kuvao.
Sos od pomorandže
Pred kraj pečenja mesa, iz posude izvaditi luk, šargarepu, malo masnoće pomešane sa sokovima od pečenja i propasirati (ili izblendirati). Izručiti u šerpicu, staviti da se zagreje na umerenoj temperaturi. Dodati kašiku brašna ili gustina, sve zajedno kratko propržiti. Zatim sos naliti sveže isceđenim sokom od dve pomorandže (može da se doda i malo belog vina ili rozea). Ukrčkati sos do željene gustine, uz mešanje žicom - da bi imao glatku strukturu. U sos mogu da se dodaju komadići blanširane kore od pomorandže. Ljuštilicom skinuti tanak sloj kore (bez belog dela), spustiti u ključalu vodu na 15 minuta. Zatim ocediti, osušiti na krpi ili papirnom ubrusu, iseckati na kockice. U sos, dok je još vruć, može da se doda i komad putera.
Pečeni krompir
Krompir oljuštiti, iseći na veće komade (5-6cm), kuvati u slanoj vodi 5-6min, procediti, ostaviti par minuta da se prohladi. Đevđir se lagano protrese da bi se potpuno uklonila voda. Ujedno, površinski sloj krompira se lagano razbije. Za pečenje odabrati posudu odgovarajuće veličine, staviti masnoću sa sokovima od pečenja patke, krompir rasporediti u jednom sloju. Peći oko 30min na 180°C. Posle toga izvaditi krompir, gnječilicom za pire lagano pritisnuti svaki komad - da se samo malo spljeska (ne treba da se potpuno izgnječi). Preko krompira rasporediti neoljuštenu glavicu belog luka koja je samo razdvojena na čenove. Pomešati željene začine (so, ruzmarin...) sa još malo masnoće od pečenja, preliti krompire i vratiti u rernu na još oko 30min da lepo porumeni. Ovako pripremljen krompir je veoma ukusan! Aromatičan, spolja krckav, a iznutra mekan.
Poslužiti ovako:
Pačetinu poslužiti isečenu na komade ili celu. Ako niste vični sečenju, slobodno rukama raskomadajte meso i stavite na tanjir. Po želji, dekorisati kolutovima pomorandže i svežim začinskim biljem (peršun, majčina dušica...). Ostale priloge, sos od pomorandže, pire od celera, pečeni krompir i salatu od svežeg sezonskog povrća poslužiti u posebnim činijama. Neka svako napravi svoju omiljenu kombinaciju priloga.
Sastojci: domaća mlada patka (težine oko 2kg kada je očišćena), 2 glavice crnog luka, 2 šargarepe, 200ml belog vina ili rozea, 200ml pilećeg bujona, 400g celera, oko 500ml mleka, 50g putera, so, 2 pomorandže, 1 kašika brašna ili gustina, 1kg krompira, 1 glavica belog luka, začini po želji (ruzmarin, majčina dušica i slično), 1 kašičica soja sosa, 1 kašičica meda, 1 kašičica ulja.
Roast duck
I received an awesome gift - a free range duck. Those ducks spend all of their time outdoors, grazing on grass or grain, running and pecking their way around the yard. I was so happy! Immediately, the Sunday lunch decision was made: roast duck, orange sauce, celeriac puree, roast potatoes, salad. A feast to remember!
Buy a free range duck, from a local farmers. For the best roast results, the bird should be young, about 2kg when cleaned. If there are some small feathers that remained after the hand plucking, take a tweezers and remove them. It's relaxing, a kind of active meditation. Rinse inside and out with cold running water, dry with a paper towel, rub with some salt inside the cavity and all over the outside. Into the main cavity place an unpeeled apple or orange. Take a length of kitchen string and tie the ends of the legs as close together as possible. Gently score the breast, in a criss-cross pattern with a very sharp knife, being careful to only through the skin and fat. Another possibility is to make a pocket under the skin on duck's breast and stuff it with spices upon your choice (pepper, thyme, lemon zest, ginger slices...).
Take the roaster of appropriate size, with lid. The duck should take at least 2/3 of the roaster volume. Finely chop 2 onions, cut 2 large carrots into thick slices. Pour some oil or 1-2 tablespoons of pork fat into the roaster. Fry the onion and carrot until soft. Put the duck over the onion, and each side for a few minutes, until the skin gets slightly browned. Add about 200ml of white wine or rose wine, 200ml of chicken stock, bring to boil and remove from the heat. Turn the duck with breast side up. Take the baking paper, grease it with some butter and tuck it tightly to the duck so it is touching the bottom of the roaster but not under the bird. This way you'll have a perfect juicy duck, with a crunchy skin. Put the lid on the rosater. Roast in the middle rack of the oven, at 150°C. After an hour, remove the pan from the oven, pour the roasting juices all over, put the baking paper and the lid. Bake for an hour. take the roaster out of the oven and check the roast. The meat should be soft and tender, easy to fall off the bones, and the skin is brown and crunchy. There is another technique to check roasting rate when cooking chicken, duck or turkey. The duck is done to medium rare if the juices from the fattest part of the thigh or drumstick run rosy when the duck is pricked, and when the duck is lifted and drained, the last drops of juice from the vent are pale rose. The duck is well done when the juices run pale yellow. Do not over cook it!!! It will dry out very easily.
At the end of the roasting process, glaze the skin with a mixture made of 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil. Put the roaster back in the oven (with no lid) for a few minutes. Turn off and open the oven, leave the duck in a warm oven.
Celeriac puree
Celeriac puree match perfectly with the duck roast. Peel about 400g celeriac, cut into 2cm cubes, pour milk (just to cover the cubes) and cook until soft. Drain the milk but save a little bit. Mash the celeriac, add salt to taste, 50g of butter, if necessary add some milk that you kept to obtain desired consistency. Serve warm.
Orange sauce
At the end of the roasting process, take the onions and carrots, roasting juices with some fat and pass through a sieve into a saucepan (or blitz with a hand blender). Bring to a boil over medium heat, add 1 tablespoon of flour, and simmer for 5 minutes. Then add freshly squeezed juice of two oranges (optionally a bit of white or rosé wine). Simmer to become thick. Also, you can add to the sauce some blanched orange zest (blanch for 15 minutes into the boiling water, pat dry, cut small pieces). While hot, add a piece of butter, serve immediately.
Roast potatoes
Take 1kg potatoes (peeled), cut into 5-6cm chunks, boil in salted water for 5-6min, drain, leave a few minutes to cool. Gently shake a colander. Transfer your potatoes into a tray in one layer, add duck fat or vegetable oil, toss your potatoes in the fat, cook 30min at 180°C. Take a potato masher and gently press each potatoe to increase the surface. Season to taste with salt, rosemary, lemon zest, thyme, balsamic vinegar... make your own spice combination. Put a bulb of garlic (unpeeled, separated into cloves). Shake the pan and pop back in the oven for 30-45min. The perfect potatoes are gold and crispy outside, soft and delicious inside.
Serve roast duck whole or cut into slices. If you are not skilled, use your fingers to pull all the meat off, arrange on the serving plate. Decorate with orange slices and fresh herbs (parsley, thyme...). Orange sauce, celeriac puree, roast potatoes should be served warm. Also, serve a fresh seasonal vegetables salad. Let everyone make it's own side dish combination.
Ingredients: free range duck (about 2kg when cleaned), 2 onions, 2 carrots, 200ml white or rose wine, 200ml chicken stock, 400g celeriac, about 500ml milk, 50g butter, salt, 2 oranges, 1 tablespoon flour or cornstarch, 1kg potatoes, 1 clove garlic, spices (rosemary, thyme...), 1 teaspoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon oil.