Padobranci - cenjeni kolač naših baka, u stvari je rustična i jednostavna verzija francuskih "macarons". Uopšte nema potrebe koristiti razne trikove koji se savetuju u receptima za "macarons". Pečene i nafilovane padobrance samo pustite da odstoje bar jedan dan pre služenja i uzvratiće vam svojim divnim ukusom, topeći se u ustima.
Umutiti u čvrst sneg 4 belanca sa prstohvatom soli, pa na kraju dodati 300g šećera i još malo mutiti mikserom. Belanca ovlaš (lagano, varjačom) pomešati sa 400g mlevenih oraha. Veliki pleh obložiti papirom za pečenje i kašičicom vaditi puslice (ili koristiti poslastičarsku špric-kesu). Peći u rerni na oko 150˚C - da blago porumene. Pošto je u pitanju masa od belanaca i oraha, treba biti obazriv da se padobranci ne prepeku jer će u tom slučaju biti tvrdi. Ostaviti ih da se potpuno ohlade.
Fil: Mikserom penasto umutiti 4 žumanca sa 4 kašike šećera. U to dodati 2 štangle rastopljene čokolade (40g) - kuvati na pari uz neprekidno mešanje dok se ne zgusne (da se vidi dno šerpe kada prevučete varjačom). Pošto je u pitanju mala količina žumanaca, za kuvanje na pari je praktično koristiti lonac za kuvanje mleka sa duplim dnom. Skuvan fil potpuno ohladiti i tek kada je hladno, dodati 125g penasto umućenog putera. Za fil sa jačim ukusom čokolade, u žumanca treba dodati 120g čokolade, i povećati količinu putera na 150g. Osim toga, količina fila biće veća, tako da nema brige, neće zafaliti. Višak čokoladnog musa stavite u šoljice i zasladite se dok padobranci odmaraju.
Ohlađenim filom lepiti po dve puslice i obavezno neka odstoje bar preko noći, pa tek onda služiti.
Sastojci: 4 jaja, 400g mlevenih oraha, 300g+4kašike šećera, 2 štangle (40g) čokolade, 125g putera.
On high speed mix 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form. While still beating, add 300g of sugar (1/3 at a time). When done, add 400g of ground walnuts - gently fold with spatula or wooden spoon until combined. Line large baking pan with parchment paper. With a teaspoon or using a piping bag, form meringue cookies. Bake in preheated oven at 150˚C until lightly brown (should not stick to the parchment paper). Be careful not to over bake the cookies.
Chocolate filling: Mix 4 egg yolks with 4 tablespoons of sugar. Add 40g of dark chocolate - cook on double boiler, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Let the filling cool completely, then add 125g of butter. For rich chocolate taste, increase the amount of chocolate to 120g, and the amount of butter to 150g.
Add a dollop of chocolate mousse to one macaron shell, top it with another to create a sandwich. Leave at least over night before serving.
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 400g ground walnuts, 300g+4 tablespoons sugar, 40g dark chocolate, 125g butter.
Rustic walnut macarons ("Parachutes")
These macarons are rustic and simple version of French macarons. There is no need to use various tricks given in the recipes of macarons. Baked and filled "parachutes" should rest at least one day before serving. The reward for your patience will be indulgence in a wonderful walnut taste, which melts in your mouth.On high speed mix 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form. While still beating, add 300g of sugar (1/3 at a time). When done, add 400g of ground walnuts - gently fold with spatula or wooden spoon until combined. Line large baking pan with parchment paper. With a teaspoon or using a piping bag, form meringue cookies. Bake in preheated oven at 150˚C until lightly brown (should not stick to the parchment paper). Be careful not to over bake the cookies.
Chocolate filling: Mix 4 egg yolks with 4 tablespoons of sugar. Add 40g of dark chocolate - cook on double boiler, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens. Let the filling cool completely, then add 125g of butter. For rich chocolate taste, increase the amount of chocolate to 120g, and the amount of butter to 150g.
Add a dollop of chocolate mousse to one macaron shell, top it with another to create a sandwich. Leave at least over night before serving.
Ingredients: 4 eggs, 400g ground walnuts, 300g+4 tablespoons sugar, 40g dark chocolate, 125g butter.