Saturday, 28 November 2015

Mađarske kuglice sa kokosom - Hungarian coconut balls

Ove divne kuglice kriju iznenađenje - kandiranu višnju! 
Mogu se naći u skoro svakoj poslastičarnici u Mađarskoj, a za čas ih možete napraviti kod kuće.
U veću posudu staviti 200g mlevenih oraha, 200g mlevenog keksa (plazma, pti ber...), 50g kokosovog brašna, 250g omekšalog putera, 100g na pari rastopljene crne čokolade, 100g šećera u prahu. Po želji, može i malo ruma. Rukom umesiti masu. Ako se učini da je suviše sipkavo, treba dodati malčice mleka ili soka od višanja.

Ako mislite da je mnogo mekana masa, onda dodati još malo mlevenih oraha. Mada treba imati na umu da će puter da se stegne, kada kuglice odmore u frižideru.

Od pripremljene mase praviti kuglice i u svaku staviti kandiranu višnju, ili višnju iz slatkog, ili oceđenu višnju iz kompota. Kuglice uvaljati u kokos, pa odložiti u fiižider da se lepo ohlade! Od ove količine bude oko 40 kuglica, u zavisnosti od veličine.

Sastojci: 200g mlevenih oraha, 200g mlevenog keksa (plazma, pti ber...), 50g kokosovog brašna i još oko 100g za valjanje, 250g putera, 100g crne čokolade, 100g šećera u prahu, malo ruma (opciono), oko 40 kandiranih višanja (ili višanja iz slatkog, kompota).

Hungarian coconut balls

These delicious balls hide a surprise - a candied cherry! 
You can find them in almost every pastry shop in Hungary, and in a minute you can make them at home.
In large bowl put 200g ground walnuts, 200g ground biscuits (petit beurre biscuit or so), 50g coconut flakes, 250g softened butter, 100g melted dark chocolate, 100g powdered sugar. Optionally, add a bit of rum. Combine all ingredients with hand. If the mixture seems too dry, add some milk or cherry juice. If the mixture seems too soft, add some ground walnuts. Keep in mind that butter would thicken while the balls rest in the fridge.
Take some mixture and wrap around candied cherry (or drained cherry from compote), form small balls, rolll balls in coconut flakes and let them rest in the fridge. You'll get about 40 balls, depending on the size.
Ingredients: 200g ground walnuts, 200g ground biscuits (petit beurre biscuit or so), 50g coconut flakes and about 100g for rolling, 250g butter, 100g dark chocolate, 100g powdered sugar, rum (optional), about 40 candied cherries (or cherries from a compote).