Saturday 22 May 2021

Dudina keks torta - "Petit beurre biscuits" cake (no bake)

Brzo, lako i bez pečenja!
Pripremiti oko 500g kvalitetenog "petit beurre" keksa -  na našem tržištu neprevaziđeni su "Štark" i "Kraš". Keks drugih proizvođača bude preterano sipkav i "brašnast"... Za slaganje keks torte koristite pleh veličine oko 25x30cm ili takozvani "đuveč".

Za fil je potrebno penasto umutiti 4 cela jaja sa 300g šećera. Kada je umućeno, dodati 200ml mleka, 2 kašike brašna (ili gustina) i sve ovlaš izmešati. U masu od jaja staviti 6 izlomljenih štangli crne čokolade (oko 120g), sve ovo kuvati na pari uz neprekidno mućenje žicom. Kada je fil gust, lepo ukuvan, ostaviti ga da se potpuno ohladi. Na kraju, u ohlađen fil dodati 400g umućenog putera.

Keks umakati u mleko (ne treba ga dugo natapati) i slagati naizmenično redove keksa, i fila... Treba da bude 3 reda keksa. Tortu premazati filom i odozgo. Ako Vam se učini da nema dovoljno fila i za odozgo, ostaviti poslednji sloj da bude sloj keksa ili napraviti glazuru od čokolade, pa njom preliti kolač. Još jedna opcija je da se odozgo premaže fil u tankom sloju, a zatim obilno posuti mleveni keks ili kakao prah.

Torta treba da odstoji u frižideru najmanje nekoliko sati, a najbolje je seći je sutradan - kada keks smekša. Seći manje parčiće, kao sitan kolač, ili parče veličine celog keksa.

Keks torta ne spada u kategoriju pravih, klasičnih torti. Ipak, ima svoje posebno mesto kada treba izabrati: "Šta ćemo slatko da napravimo?". Ukusna je, brzo se priprema, ne zahteva naročitu veštinu, svi je vole...

Sastojci: oko 500g kvalitetnog pti ber keksa, 4 cela jaja, 300g šećera, 200ml mleka + za umakanje keksa, 2 kašike brašna (ili gustina), 120g crne čokolade, 400g putera.

"Petit beurre biscuits" cake

Quick, easy and no bake dessert!

You will need about 500g of quality "petit beurre" biscuits. To assemble the cake, use a deeper baking tray (other dish or adjustable square cake ring) about 25x30cm.

For the filling - whisk 4 whole eggs with 300g of sugar until pale yellow and fluffy. When done, add 200ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of flour (or cornstarch) and mix with a whisk, to incorporate. Finally, add 120g of dark chocolate. Cook on double boiler (Bain-Marie), constantly whisking, until thickens. Remove from the heat, cover the surface with cling film and let it cool to room temperature. In a separate bowl whisk 400g of butter softened at room temperature, until creamy ant fluffy. Add few tablespoons of chocolate cream at a time, to the butter, and mix with hand mixer at high speed - repeat until all the chocolate cream is used.   

Dip the biscuits in milk (you don't need to soak it for a long time) and arrange the cake: alternating the layers of biscuit and filling. There should be 3 layers of biscuit. Spread the top with the filling. If you do not have enough filling to cover the top, leave the last layer to be a layer of biscuit or make a chocolate glaze and pour over the cake. Another option is to cover the top of the cake with very thin layer of filling and sprinkle generously with ground biscuits or cocoa powder.

The cake should set in the fridge for at least few hours or over night. Cut into smaller pieces, or cut a piece the size of a whole biscuit.

Biscuit cake is not a classic cake. However, it has a special place among childhood memories. It is delicious, quickly prepared, does not require special skills, everybody loves it...

Ingredients: about 500g quality petit beurre biscuits, 4 whole eggs, 300g sugar, 200ml milk + extra for dipping the biscuits, 2 tablespoons flour (or cornstarch), 120g dark chocolate, 400g butter.