Rastopiti 30g kvasca (3/4 kocke) i šaku šećera u 250ml mlakog mleka. U vanglu staviti 400g brašna, 2 cela jaja, 2 žumanca, kašičicu soli, rastopljen kvasac sa mlekom i šećerom. U toku mešenja, po malo dodavati još oko 100-120g brašna tako da testo bude glatko i mekano. Nije neophodno da se utroši svo brašno. Na ovaj način se neće desiti da se pretera sa količinom brašna. Testo pokriti vlažnom krpom i ostaviti na toplom mestu da naraste i udvostruči se zapremina.
Kada je testo naraslo izručiti na radnu površinu posutu brašnom, podeliti na dva dela, lagano premesiti i ostaviti jufke da odmore desetak minuta. Za to vreme penasto umutiti 150g masti ili 200g putera. Oklagijom razviti jednu jufku u približno pravougaoni oblik, debljine od oko 0.5cm. Testo premazati sa pola količine masti ili putera, urolati. Seći s prsta debele pužiće. Pužiće ređati u podmazan pleh, ili pleh obložiti papirom za pečenje. Između pužića može da se ostavi dovoljno mesta, da se ne dodiruju kada narastu prilikom pečenja, a mogu da se ređaju bliže jedan drugom (u tepsiji), pa da prilikom pečenja formiraju nešto nalik na pogaču. Na isti način napraviti pužiće i od druge polovine testa. Ostaviti ih da odstoje u plehu, na toplom, bar još 1-1,5h. Pre pečenja, pužiće premazati blago umućenim belancima, peći ih na 200°C.
Dok kolač "odmara" u plehu, skuvati sirup. Staviti da provri 1l mleka, dodati šećera po želji i 2 kesice vanilinog šećera ili 2-3 kašike arome vanile. U zavisnosti od ukusa, količina sirupa može da se poveća ili smanji, tako da pužići budu dobro natopljeni mlekom, ili da samo malo upiju sirup.
Vruće pužiće preliti toplim sirupom od mleka. Pokriti ih papirom za pečenje, pa preko toga krpom. Ostaviti da se prohlade i upiju sirup. Odlični su i topli, i hladni.
Sastojci: za testo - 30g kvasca (3/4 kocke), šaka šećera, 250ml mleka, 500-520g brašna+još malo za posipanje, 2 cela jaja, 2 žumanca, 1 kašičica soli, 150g masti ili 200g putera; za sirup - 1l mleka, šećera po ukusu, 2 kesice vanilinog šećera ili 2-3 kašike arome vanile.
Rustic rolls with milk syrup
A few days ago I remembered those rustic rolls... I made them as soon as I came home from work. Kitchen was filled with beautiful aroma of baked dough and vanilla!
Pour 30g of fresh yeast and a handful of sugar in a 250ml lukewarm milk, let it melt a bit. Measure out 520g of all purpose flour. In a large bowl put 2/3 of the total amount of flour, make a hole in the middle, add 2 eggs, 2 egg yolks, a teaspoon of salt, disolved yeast and milk mixture. Knead a smooth, medium-soft dough by adding a bit of the remaining third of the flour. It is not necessary to use the whole amount of flour. This way you won't overload the dough with a flour. Cover the dough with a damp tea towel and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size.
When the dough is ready press it to deflate, move it onto a floured surface, divide in two and leave it for about ten minutes. During this time, whisk 150g of lard or 200g butter. Roll the dough out to an almost rectangular shape so that the dough is about 0.5cm thick. Spread 1/2 of the lard or butter over the dough and make a log. Cut the log into 1cm wide pieces. The same way prepare the second half of the dough. Transfer each piece to the baking sheet lined with baking paper and let sit at room temperature for 1-1.5h, or until puffy and risen. Upon your choice, you can leave enough place between the pieces not to touch each other when risen during the baking, or you can stack them closer in a round baking tray so the nice shape is formed while baking. Right before baking coat the dough snails with slightly beaten egg whites. Bake in preheated oven at 200°C, until brown.
While the rolls are staying in the tray, make a milk syrup. Bring to a boil 1l of milk on a medium high heat. Add sugar to taste and 20g of vanilla sugar or 2-3 tablespoons vanilla extract. To your taste, the amount of syrup can be increased or reduced, so that the rolls are well soaked in milk, or just lightly coated with milk.
Pour lukewarm milk over the hot rolls. Cover them with a sheet of baking paper and clean tea towel. Allow to cool and to absorb the syrup. They are excellent both warm or cold.
Ingredients: for the dough - yeast 30g, a handful of sugar, 250ml milk, 500-520g flour+more for dusting, 2 eggs, 2 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon salt, 150g lard or 200g butter, for the syrup - 1l milk, sugar to taste, 20g vanilla sugar or 2-3 tablespoons vanilla extract.