Friday, 27 December 2019

Pihtije - Traditional Serbian meat aspic

Aktuelna je zimska, praznična sezona - nezaobilazna tema su pihtije. Koliko sam uspela da primetim podjednako su brojni i ljubitelji, i oni kojima su "bljak". E pa, za one koji vole pihtije, ili za one koji ih ne vole ali hoće da obraduju dragog ljubitelja pihtija, evo recepta.

Uzeti veliki lonac zapremine oko 8 litara, staviti dva juneća papka, jednu suvu svinjsku kolenicu, jednu sirovu svinjsku kolenicu, 3 čena belog luka, desetak zrna bibera, 3 kašičice soli i na pola presečenu glavicu crnog luka koja je prethodno zapečena na plotni (kao za supu).

Mogu da se naprave i druge kombinacije mesa, na primer oko 5 svinjskih nogica, jedna suva svinjska kolenica, juneće kosti, oko 500g ribića. U svakom slučaju bitno je da ima malo suvog mesa, jer onda pihtije budu ukusnije. Za želiranje se mogu upotrebiti još i uši, rep, njuška. Kasnije se ti delovi odbace ako ne volite hrskavicu, a ostavi se samo meso.

Svaki mesar će Vam sa zadovoljstvom iseći kolenice na manje komade, tako je mnogo zgodnije za kuvanje. Sve ovo naliti vodom skoro do vrha lonca i staviti da se kuva, uz blago ključanje, bar šest do osam sati. Za to vreme se kolenice potpuno raspadnu, voda uvri skoro za četvrtinu, a čorba dobije boju bele kafe. Kada je kuvanje završeno, proveriti da li je dovoljno slano i po potrebi dosoliti, zatim procediti tečnost a meso odvojiti od kostiju i sitno iseckati. Uzeti od prilike 3 činije srednje veličine, u svaku rasporediti meso i po čen ili dva manja čena sitno seckanog belog luka (ne preterivati sa količinom, da ne dominira ukus belog luka), naliti čorbom tako da debljina bude oko 4cm. Pihtije ostaviti preko noći da se stegnu na hladnom mestu ili u frižideru.

Ne dozvolite da izmrznu na ikako ne smeju da smrznu!

Sa stegnutih pihtija kašikom skinuti sloj masnoće. Služiti ih uz tucanu papriku i limun.
Sastojci: 2 juneća papka, 1 suva svinjska kolenica, 1 sirova svinjska kolenica, beli luk, biber u zrnu, glavica crnog luka, so.

Traditional Serbian meat aspic (Pihtije)

It's winter holiday season. I know, many people get freaked out when only hear "meat jelly". But there are also aspic lovers who respect this vintage treat and it is a must on the festive menu. So if you love it, or you want to surprise someone who declares as a lover of "pihtije" - here's a recipe.

Find a bulky cooking pot (about 8 liters volume)!

In a cooking pot put 2 raw beef feet (or 5 pork feet), 1 smoked and 1 raw pork hock, beef marrow bone (cut in few chunks), 3 cloves of garlic unpeeled, a dozen of black peppercorns, 3 teaspoons of salt and unpeeled onion cut in half. You can use any other combination of meat parts or bones that contain a lot of collagen (raw pork or beef feet, raw or smoked pork hock, beef marrow bones, tail, ears, beef meat...). It is important to have some smoked parts, because they add specific taste. The butcher will be happy to cut you these unusual meat parts and bones into smaller pieces, making it easier to cook. 

When all the ingredients are in the pot, add water almost to the top. Cook very slowly, uncovered, on a low heat (to gently boil), for at least six to eight hours. It is done when the meat easily falls off the bones, the amount of liquid is reduced (almost 1/3 of liquid evaporated), and the broth gets the "milky" color. When cooking is done, check the taste and add some salt if necessary. Next step is to to separate the liquid and the other parts - drain the liquid using colander. And keep the liquid! Let the meat cool a bit, with your hands, remove the meat from the bones, finely chop or pull apart. Take about 3 shallow medium size glass serving bowls, divide meat into the bowls and sprinkle some finely chopped garlic (1 large clove of garlic per bowl - don't get nuts with garlic). Carefully pour the "soup" over the meat, in not so thick layer (3-4 cm).  Leave it to cool overnight in a very cold place or refrigerator. Tomorrow the aspic will be set and on the surface will be formed a nice layer of fat. Remove this layer with a spoon and serve "pihtije". 

Be careful not to freeze the aspic! 

If you like, sprinkle the aspic with chilly pepper flakes, serve with lemon slices. 

Ingredients: 2 raw beef feet (or 5 pork feet), 1 smoked and 1 raw pork hock, beef marrow bone, garlic, black peppercorns, salt, 1 onion. Optionally use other combination of meat parts or bones that contain a lot of collagen (raw pork or beef feet, raw or smoked pork hock, beef meat, beef marrow bones, tail, ears...). Garnish - chilly pepper flakes, lemon slices