Monday 1 July 2019

Filovani šampinjoni (na dva načina) - Stuffed button mushrooms (two ways)

Pripremiti oko 500g svežih šampinjona sa većim kapicama. Oprati ih pod mlazom tekuće vode, otkinuti im drške. Drške se kasnije mogu upotrebiti za pripremu nekog preliva za testeninu, ili se može napraviti kajgana/omlet sa pečurkama. U lonac sipati dosta vode, naseckati jedan limun i pustiti da provri. Umesto limuna, može se dodati 1-2 kašike alkoholnog sirćeta. Pečurke blanširati u kipućoj vodi 2-3 minuta, a zatim ih izvrnuti na papirni ubrus da se dobro ocede i ostaviti da se ohlade.

Prvi način:

Sitno iseckati ohlađeno kuvano belo meso i povrće iz supe (2 šargarepe, komad celera, paškanat, peršun), posoliti, dodati pola čaše kisele pavlake i lagano izmešati. Puniti blanširane kapice. Pred služenje, posuti sa dosta iseckanog svežeg peršunovog lista.

Ovo je još jedna od ideja kako da se upotrebi bareno povrće i belo meso iz supe.

Drugi način:

Oljuštiti i iseckati 500g paradajza, posoliti, dodati kašiku šećera ili malo meda, začine po izboru (na primer: origano, majoran, timijan, lovor, bosiljak, majčina dušica…). Začinjeni paradajz propržiti na malo maslinovog ulja, da se ukrčka, tako da može viljuškom da se zahvati. Sitno iseckati 100g šunke ili pršute, dodati u sos od paradajza i puniti blanširane pečurke.

Poslužiti toplo ili hladno, uz prepečen hleb i svežu sezonsku salatu.

Stuffed button mushrooms (two ways)

Choose 500g fresh button mushrooms with larger caps and remove the stems. Wash them under running water. Stems can be used for some pasta dressing, or omelette. Boil some water in a cooking pot with a few lemon slices (or add 1-2 tablespoons vinegar). Blanch mushrooms in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, let them dry on a paper towel (stem side down). Proceed with next step when completely cool. 

The first way:

Cook chicken breast, 2 carrots, celery root, parsnip root, parsley root. Finely chop (small cubes) cooked meat and vegetables, add some salt, sour cream, combine and fill blanched mushrooms. Before serving, sprinkle with plenty of chopped fresh parsley leaves. 

Do not discard chicken broth. Add some noodles and enjoy your homemade soup, or you can freeze it and use another time when recipe calls for bouillon

The second way:

Peel and chop 500g of tomatoes (seeds removed), add some saline, some honey (or sugar), spices of your choice (oregano, marjoram, thyme, bay laurel, basil...). Sprinkle the seasoned tomatoes with a little olive oil, cook for a few minutes to evaporate excess water - to be of a consistency that you can take it with a fork. Finely chop 100g of ham or prosciutto, add to the tomato sauce and stuff blanched mushrooms.

Serve hot or cold, with roasted bread and fresh seasonal salad.