U šerpu većeg prečnika staviti da provri 700ml punomasnog mleka, na umerenoj temperaturi. U ključalo mleko, uz neprekidno mešanje, dodati sastruganu sredinu jedne šipke vanile (ili kafenu kašičicu arome vanile), 175g kristal šećera, 1/2 kafene kašičice sode bikarbone. Na početku je neophodno žicom neprekidno mešati, jer mleko peni i može da iskipi. Ako je neophodno, malo smanjiti temperaturu, da ne bi zagorelo. Nastaviti kuvanje karamela, uz povremeno mešanje žicom, sve dok se ne dobije braon krem željene gustine. Penu koja se stvara u toku kuvanja treba kašikom skidati sa površine. Kada je karamel gotov skloniti sa ringle, dok je još vruć dodati 50g putera i mešati da se puter rastopi. Po želji, karamel može da bude delimično tečan poput meda, ili da gust kao nutela. Gotov karamel izručiti u čistu staklenu teglu, ostaviti da se ohladi, a zatim poklopiti i odložiti u frižider. U frižideru može da stoji i par nedelja, ako se ne pojede u međuvremenu. Od ove količine dobije se oko 250ml savršenog karamela.
Sastojci: 700ml punomasnog mleka, šipka vanile (ili 1 kašičica arome vanile), 175g kristal šećera, 1/2 kašičice sode bikarbone, 50g putera.
Caramel Sauce
Caramel sauce is really awesome dessert! Use it as a topping for ice cream, fruit salad, cake, pancakes... or simply take the spoon and enjoy the fantastic taste. This is a typical sweet from Argentina and the authentic name is "Dulce de Leche" or "milk candy". Traditionally, sugar and milk are cooked for hours, over low heat, until the mass gets thick and brown.
In a large saucepan put 700ml whole milk and bring to a boil over medium heat. Cut vanilla bean in half and pour the seeds in the milk (or a teaspoon of vanilla extract). Stirring constantly add 175g sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. At the beginning it is necessary to keep stirring, because the milk foams. If necessary, reduce the heat. Continue cooking, stirring occasionally, until the mixture gets thick and brown. The foam that forms during the cooking should be removed from the surface using a spoon. The caramel sauce can be runny like honey, or thick as nutella. When done, take the mixture off the heat, add 50g unsalted butter and stir to incorporate. Put your caramel in a clean glass jar, allow to cool, then cover and store in the refrigerator. You will get around 250ml of delicious caramel sauce.
Ingredients: 700ml whole milk, 1 vanilla pod (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract), 175g caster sugar, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, 50g unsalted butter.