Friday, 11 December 2020

"Damen kapric" - "Lady's caprice" (simple, old fashioned dessert)

"Damen kapric" - jednostavan i prefinjen kolač "za svaki dan"... 

Korica - varjačom penasto umutiti 80g masti, dodati 4 žumanca, 4 kašike šećera, 100ml mleka, sve lepo ujednačiti. Na kraju dodati 200g brašna, 1 kašičicu praška za pecivo, opciono 1 kašičicu rendane kore limuna, lepo izmešati u glatku masu. Izručiti u podmazan okrugli pleh prečnika oko 28cm, poravnati (ne mora da bude savršeno). Peći na 180 ०C "do pola" - to znači da se odozgo formirala korica, da se blago rumeni i da nema sjaj koji je imala masa na samom početku pečenja. 

Izvaditi koricu iz rerne, premazati sa  200-250g džema od kajsija, da lepo pokrije osnovu pa i još malo više. Osim džema od kajsija, može da posluži džem od šipka, šljiva, vinogradarskih breskvica, pa čak i od bobičastog voća... 

Dok je kolač i dalje van rerne, čvrsto umutiti 6 belanaca sa prstohvatom soli, dodati 12 kašika šećera i mutiti još par minuta da se šećer rastopi (ne osećaju se kristali šećera pod prstima). U umućena belanca može, a ne mora, da se doda 1 kašika soka od limuna. Kad imam - dodam, kad nemam pri ruci - ne dodam.

Preko džema "čupavo" rasporediti šne od belanaca. Kolač vratiti u rernu na oko 120-150 ०C, da se belanca odozgo delimično sasuše i blago porumene (ovo može da potraje i više od pola sata).

"Damen kapric" ostaviti da se ohladi do sobne temperature i poslužiti.

Sastojci: 4 žumanca, 4 kašike šećera, 80g masti, 100ml mleka, 200g brašna, 1 kašičica praška za pecivo, opciono 1 kašičica rendane kore limuna, 200-250g džema od kajsija (ili neki drugi), 6 belanaca, 12 kašika šećera, opciono 1 kašika soka od limuna.

"Lady's caprice" (simple, old fashioned dessert)

Simple and super fine everyday dessert...

The crust - with wooden spatula whisk 80g lard, add 4 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar, 100ml milk, mix to incorporate. Finally add 200g flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, optionally 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest, whisk whisk until smooth. Transfer the mixture into a greased round baking tray, 28cm diameter, spread evenly (it doesn't have to be perfect). Bake at 180 ०C "until half-baked" - this means that a crust has formed on top, it is slightly browned, and there is no shine that the the mixture had at the very beginning of baking (some observations are required while baking). 

Remove the crust from the oven, spread a generous layer of apricot jam (200-250g), to nicely cover the base and add a little more. You can also use rose hip, plum jam, or even some berry jam…

While the cake is still out of the oven, make a meringue. Beat 6 egg whites with a pinch of salt until hard peaks are formed and then add gradually 12 tablespoons sugar. Continue mixing on a high speed for a few more minutes until the sugar is melted (feel no sugar crystals between the fingers). At this stage, you can also add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, but it is optional. When I have some lemon at hand - I add it, when I don't  - I omit it. 

Top the dessert (over the jam) with "shaggy" meringue. Return to the oven at 120-150 ०C, so that meringue becomes dried and crunchy on the outside, it should be slightly browned (depending on the oven this can take even more than half an hour).

Leave the "Lady's caprice" to cool to room temperature and serve.

Ingredients: 4 egg yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar, 80g lard, 100ml milk, 200g flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, optionally 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest, 200-250g apricot jam (or other jam up to taste), 6 egg whites, 12 tablespoons sugar, optionally 1 tablespoon lemon juice.